All raffle ticket sales and silent auction purchases will be donated to support Western Section student and early career professionals
Raffle tickets will be sold starting Tuesday night at the Welcome Reception, and a last call for raffle tickets will be announced on Thursday evening. The raffle will be held after Thursday evenings Trivia event. There will be some amazing prizes, including some new super surprises!
The silent auction will be held virtually this year and will close on Friday afternoon at 1:30pm. Items will be shipped to the winners the week after the meeting.
We encourage everyone to purchase raffle tickets, which are available at the Registration Desk or from Western Section Executive Board members and volunteers. Raffle and silent auction items will be displayed in the Marketplace Exhibit Hall throughout the entire meeting.
This Year, Donate You
Every year, we reach out to supportive individuals and organizations like you in search of auction/raffle donors to support our annual meeting. In the past, generous donations to the Western Section raffle and auction have allowed us to help support the educational and professional development of the next generation of wildlife biologists and managers. This year we are excited to announce that we are expanding the scope of our auction to include member-donated experiences and items for our silent auction.
If you are an illustrator, a painter, a knitter, an author, an outdoors woman, or simply a Western Section member with something unique to offer your fellow wildlifers, we are reaching out to*you* to see if you would be interested in donating an experience or item. Maybe you are an avid birder who can share the art of birding by ear, or an outdoors person who can lead a guided hunt. Perhaps you can offer a weekend getaway in your family’s summer cabin or a chartered flight to an out-of-the-way fly-fishing destination. Paintings, signed books, a wildlife-themed knitted beanie, and a locally-gathered and home-cooked meal are examples of “hand-made” items that members would love to have. Goods crafted by hand with love and experiences to share with fellow wildlifers not only can help support the Western Section, but also can help forge new friendships between members along the way.
Please contact Raffle and Silent Auction Chair Susanne Marczak if you have any questions or would like to donate an item to the raffle and/or auction.